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What is Hypopressive Exercise?

Hypopressives is a breathing and postural exercise technique that uses the whole body to activate the deep core muscles, improve posture and release myofascial tension.


Hypopressive exercise is good for (almost) everyone!  Some people learn hypopressives to help symptoms of a pelvic organ prolapse, rectus diastasis (muscle separation) or incontinence.  Some people use it for improved lung capacity, endurance training and postural imbalances.  Everyone can enjoy the relaxing, calming effect that movement and breath work has on their nervous system. 


Whatever your reasons for practicing hypopressives, your body and mind will thank you for taking time to move and breathe well!



How does hypopressive exercise work?

Hypopressive exercise reduces the pressure in your abdominal and thoracic cavities.  By reducing pressure, your body can begin to reconnect with your diaphragm and support your posture, core strength and pelvic floor function. 


How does hypopressive exercise do this? Well, there's a lot going on in our bodies, we tend to hold tension in our shoulders and upper chest area or to clench certain muscles in our abdomen or legs.  This is really unhelpful for movement and breathing! 

If we hold tension in the body, our diaphragm wont work effectively.   We need our diphragms to work well so that it can work with, not against, our core muscles and pelvic floor.


How long will it take for me to feel the benefits?  You may feel benefits and changes straight away, I certainly did.  You may have developed breathing and movement patterns over many years and need to work a little harder.  As with any exercise, the results are dependent on the effort, and correct practice.  It's important to work with a trained practitioner to master the techniques, building on dysfunction will not serve you well long term.  By addressing postural and breathing imbalances your practitioner will be able to work with you so that you can go forward and practice at home.

 Breathing well is key to hypopressive exercise. 

When you breathe well, you move well.

“The greatest wealth is health”

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